About Us
The origins of the Absarokee church began in 1913 as a station of Our Lady of the Valley Church in O'Brien. It became a mission of St. Mary Church in Columbus in 1916.Lots for the church were donated by a Mrs. Reber; her son and a Miss Fleischer. Established by Father M.T. O'Brien, the new church served 53 families. Active parish organizations at the time were Altar Society and Confraternity.
The church reveived major repairs in 1949 and a new church was built in 1967.Dedication of the new church on May 2, 1967, by Bishop William J. Condon and Auxilliary Bishop Eldon Bernard Schuster was held simultaneously with the observance of Father Michael J. Kelly's 25th anniversary as a priest. More than 40 priests attended the ceremony. Altar boys at the dedication Mass were Gary Schaff, Joe Davy, and Andy Witt. Music was provided by the St. Mary Choir from Columbus. St. Michael's Altar Society hosted a public reception following the ceremony.